In the heart of the American Midwest, where the roads stretch far and wide, connecting the dots of cities, towns, and remote corners alike, there's a name that resonates with strength, reliability, and a rich heritage among those who make their living behind the wheel: International Trucks. At Thompson Truck & Trailer, a certified International truck dealership and service center spanning eastern Iowa and western Illinois, we take pride in our association with a brand that has been a steadfast partner to professional truckers for over a century. This blog post delves into the storied history of International Trucks, celebrating the legacy of innovation and resilience that has made it a cornerstone of the trucking industry.

The Dawn of International Trucks

The journey of International Trucks began with the founding of the International Harvester Company (IHC) in 1902. Born from the merger of McCormick Harvesting Machine Company, Deering Harvester Company, and several other agricultural equipment manufacturers, IHC initially focused on agricultural machinery. However, the company quickly recognized the need for transportation solutions that could support both urban and rural economies.

In 1907, IHC introduced the Auto Buggy, marking its foray into the motor vehicle industry. This vehicle was designed for both personal and commercial use, catering to a wide range of needs from urban deliveries to rural mail service. The Auto Wagon, as it came to be known, was revolutionary for its time, combining the utility of a light truck with the ruggedness required for unpaved roads, effectively laying the groundwork for the modern pickup truck.

Wartime Contributions and Technological Innovations

International Trucks played pivotal roles during both World Wars, supplying the Allied forces with a variety of vehicles, from ambulances to troop transports. This period underscored the brand's reputation for reliability and durability, qualities that remain synonymous with International Trucks to this day.

The post-war era heralded a time of innovation and growth for International Trucks. The company expanded its lineup to include a range of vehicles that catered to a growing America's appetite for commercial and personal transportation. The introduction of the Travelall in the 1950s, for instance, was a precursor to the modern SUV, offering versatility and performance that appealed to both commercial operators and families alike.

The Evolution of International Trucks

The latter half of the 20th century saw International Trucks navigating through challenges and changes, including the transition from International Harvester to Navistar International in the 1980s. Despite these changes, the company's commitment to the trucking industry never wavered, with a continued focus on innovation, quality, and customer service.

Today, International Trucks stands as a leader in the trucking industry, offering a wide range of vehicles designed to meet the diverse needs of the modern trucker. From the rugged durability of the International LT Series, designed for long-haul operations, to the versatility and efficiency of the MV Series for medium-duty tasks, International Trucks continues to set standards in reliability, efficiency, and technology.

A Legacy of Trust and Reliability

At Thompson Truck & Trailer, we are proud to be part of the International Trucks legacy, offering a full range of sales and service options to professional truckers across Iowa and Illinois. Our commitment to excellence reflects the enduring values of the International Trucks brand, ensuring that every customer receives the quality and service that have become hallmarks of both our names.

As we look back on the history of International Trucks, we are reminded of the countless miles traveled, the loads delivered, and the lives touched by this iconic brand. It's a testament to the spirit of innovation, resilience, and community that drives the trucking industry forward. To all professional truckers, we invite you to visit Thompson Truck & Trailer, where we continue the tradition of excellence that International Trucks has paved for us all.

Here's to the journey ahead, powered by International Trucks and supported by Thompson Truck & Trailer – your partners on the road.